Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vocabulary MP2 Set #3


 Worksheets comes with the Excel program, when you open Excel, a spreadsheet file appears that is considered a workbook and the workbook contains three worksheets in which you can use.

The image above portrays a great example of a worksheet.


Is basically a spreadsheet file. When you open the Excel spreadsheet program, it loads an empty workbook file which contains three blank worksheets. Thats why its considered a workbook.

This is an image of a spreadsheet with a Workbook.

Word-Processing Software

Is the latest software for text or documentation files. There are various types of word-processing softwares such as Microsoft Word, Firefox has programs for text and language usage. This type of software is very useful for transferring information through text and certain languages.

Web Applications

Can mean many things, files, apps, programs, folders, etc. all in the web. Web applications are useful and needed due to high demand of information, any type of information. The internet wouldn't exists if it weren't for these ''apps''.

 These are examples of Web Application icons. 

Vector Graphics

Unlike JPEGs, GIFs, and BMP images, vector graphics are not made up of a grid of pixels. Instead, vector graphics are comprised of paths, which are defined by a start and end point, along with other points, curves, and angles along the way. A path can be a line, a square, a triangle, or a curvy shape. These paths can be used to create simple drawings or complex diagrams. Paths are even used to define the characters of specific typefaces. Link from:

The image above uses vector graphics.

Utility Program

Commonly referred as utilities, they are software programs that may help your computer and they often increase your computer's performance and security.

 This is an example of a utility.


A new version of a software or hardware product designed to replace an older version of the same product. Typically, software companies sell upgrades at a discount to prevent users from switching to other products. In most cases, you must prove you own an older version of the product to qualify for the upgrade price. In addition, the installation routines for upgrades often check to make sure that an older version is already installed on your computer; if not, you cannot install the upgrade. Link from:


  1. A manipulation involving adding, modifying, or deleting data to bring a file or database upto-date.
  2. A relatively minor release or version upgrade to an existing software product that adds minor features or corrects bugs. An update generally is denoted by a decimal fraction notation in the version number, such as 6.1 as an update to 6.0. Link from:

Text Editor

Is software that is used nowadays, this can be used in word processors or in other types of documents. It edits grammar mistakes and sometimes punctuality.


Refers to the data that is arranged in rows and columns, an example of a table would be a spreadsheet.

System Software

System software refers to the files and programs that make up your computer's operating system. System files include libraries of functions, system services, drivers for printers and other hardware, system preferences, and other configuration files. Link from:

System File

The order in which files are placed in your computer/processor for the usage of other users, or not. The order is usually by name or it may be chronologically ordered.

Software Piracy

When someone installs and uses commercial softwarewithout paying for the program, it is called "pirating" the software. This name comes from the traditional meaning of the word "pirate," which is a sea-faring criminal that steals and loots belongings from others. But far from the stereotypical sea pirate, a software pirate can be anyone who owns a computer. Link from:

Software License

Allowing an individual or group to use a piece of software. Nearly allapplications are licensed rather than sold. There are a variety of different types of software licenses. Some are based on the number machines on which the licensed program can run whereas others are based on the number of usersthat can use the program. Link from:

Software Development

Is that, the development of software for or of your computer/processor. There are different types of development out there and each is vital for the software that is being produced.


A short, boxed icon or display that is usually placed on the side of the screen, thus being a sidebar. It may contain up-to-date news on the world or other types of information.


A special type of file in some operating systems that points to another file or device. You can place shortcuts on the desktop to conveniently access files that may be stored deep in the directory structure. Double-clicking the shortcut icon is the same as double-clicking the actual file. Link from:

These are all shortcut icons.

Recycle Bin

Deleting a file, folder or program in Windows will lead the item to be placed in the Recycling Bin. This step is occurs usually before complete termination of the file happens.

Record Spreadsheet

A Record Spreadsheet is a document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns. Rows are typically labeled using numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), while columns are labeled with letters (A, B, C, etc). Link from:

The image above is an example of a spreadsheet.

Quick Launch Toolbar

A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the task bar. Link from:


They are the primary or main mechanism for retrieving information from a database, can be presented in predefined format.

An example of a new query.

Primary Key

A primary key is a unique identifier for a database record. When a table is created, one of the fields is typically assigned as the primary key. While the primary key is often a number, it may also be a text field or other data type. For example, if a database contains definitions of computer terms, it would make sense that each term is only listed once in the database. Link from:

Presentation Software

Is a computer program software used to display information or data, Microsoft PowerPoint is an example of Presentation Software.

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

Is a framework developed by Microsoft that allows you to take object from one document and place them in another, some call that method ''copy and paste''. This technology was made for the linking of programs and/or documents.


An entity that can be manipulated by the commands of a programming language, such as value, variable or data structure.


Software that involves the usage of different aspects such as text, animation, color, audio, etc. is considered to be multimedia, the usage of different forms of media.

 These are icons of multimedia. 


Ever since the Macintosh was introduced in 1984, icons have been the way we view files on computers. An icon on your computer screen represents an object or a program on your hard drive. For example, the folders you see on your desktop or in open windows are icons. The files that you see in those folders are also icons. The trash can on the Macintosh and the recycle bin on Windows are both icons as well.
Link from:

Hidden File

In computing, a hidden directory or hidden file on a computer is a directory (folder) or file which a user cannot see by default. Hidden directories most often serve to hide important operating system-related files and user preferences. Link from:


Is more like slang for any computer hardware device, the gadget is usually small. Another word for it would be ''gizmo''.

File Properties

Each file has their own properties, such as a URL, text, color, etc. Its what makes a file existent and stable, without properties, the file would be blank.


A location or area in which certain data is located within a block or frame of transmitted data.

Just picture this inside a computers hardware with data all over the place.


Can be or is another name for your stored folders. A directory keeps everything in your computer files in order and neatly, quite useful.

This is just an example of a directory. 


A datasheet, data sheet, or spec sheet is a document summarizing the performance and other technical characteristics of a product, component (e.g. an electronic component), a subsystem (e.g. a power supply) or software in sufficient detail to be used by a design engineer to integrate the component. Link from:

This is an example of a datasheet.


A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different fields. For example, a company database may include tables for products, employees, and financial records. Each of these tables would have different fields that are relevant to the information stored in the table. Link from:

Data File

The word says it, its simply an accessible file with stored data and information, it can be in the computer's CPU, in files, folders, hard disk, etc.

 Above is an example of a stored data file.


A cell is a specific location within a spreadsheet and is defined by the intersection of a row and column. Since most spreadsheets use numbers to define rows and letters to define columns, cells are often referenced by a letter and number combination. Link from:

This is a real cell but Note: Computer cells are different in term and image.

Bit Mapped Graphics

Are the main resource to most of the images we see on our monitor. A bit map is composed of dots or bits that usually produce an image on the screen, some can be extremely small, microscopic.

Application File

This is usually a software program that runs on your computer, since it may have different or specific programs for the user, its most likely called application or ''app'' for short.

Appearance and Personalization Category

The part with the most visible changes towards the system, the theme or the personalization occur here. Its basically the aesthetic part to your monitor or computer.

Active Window

Is the currently focused window in an internet program such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vocabulary MP2 Set #1

USB Flash-drive

A small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computer's USB port and functions as a portable hard drive. Link from:

Universal Serial Bus (USB)

The USB is a little storage device that has become very useful for transferring information. There are many types of USB, each containing similar or different amounts of storage.


An input device that comes attached or on the mouse. This trackball controls the direction movements that users see on the screen.

The red ball on the image above, is the trackball.

Tablet PC

These tablet PCs use touch screen as their input device. Smaller versions of laptops with similar features, very useful for traveling.


They are the fastest, high performance computers out there, the name says it all. They may have features such as scientific calculations, 3D graphics and modeling simulations.


Computer software is a general term that describes computer programs. Related terms such as software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets all fall under the category of computer software. Therefore,installing new programs or applications on your computer is synonymous with installing new software on your computer. Link from:

These are some software icons you might be familiar with.


Means to serve information or data to the computer. Access to server programs can allow user to access programs, files, torrents, etc. A single computer can have different types of server programs running in it.


Is an input device, it scans certain documents, including photos, images, word document file, etc. After scanning is completed, it then gets converted into digital language or format.

Read-Only Memory (ROM)

ROM is memory containing hardwired instructions that the computer uses when it boots up, before the system software loads. In PCs, the instructions are read from a small program in the ROM, called the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). Link from:

Random Access Memory (RAM)

 RAM is made up of small memory chips that form a memory module. These modules are installed in the RAM slots on the motherboard of your computer. Link from: